It is common to have sore throats during the changing seasons. Eating cold food and drinking cold water frequently can cause this problem. During this period, some pain and discomfort persists in the throat. Sometimes a burning sensation is also felt. In such a situation, you can get relief with the help of easy and effective home remedies instead of medicines. Let us tell you which home remedies will provide relief...

Gargle with salt water
This desi recipe dates back to the time of grandmothers. For this, first of all, mix 2 pinches of salt in water, then gargle with a glass of warm water for about 5 minutes. This will relieve the sore throat and the sore throat will also go away.

Liquorice is very beneficial for the throat. In case of pain, place a small piece of licorice in the mouth and suck it slowly. Doing this will provide relief from sore throat.

Ginger decoction
First of all, peel the ginger, put it in water, and boil for some time. When the water remains half, then understand that the decoction is ready. Drinking this 2-3 times a day will provide a lot of relief.

Basil decoction
The medicinal properties of basil are very beneficial for the throat. To make this, boil water in a vessel on a high flame. On the other hand, grind cloves, black pepper, and cinnamon in the mixer. Now add basil leaves and spices to a vessel and boil.

Eat sugar candy with black pepper
Black pepper is also useful for sore throat, cough, or cold. If it is eaten with sugar then its benefits also increase. Mix equal amounts of black pepper powder and sugar candy and keep it in a closed container. In case of sore throat, consume it in small quantities two to three times a day.
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