Let us tell you that 25-30 per cent of people worldwide suffer from the problem of snoring, out of which 1 out of 5 are youth. This means every fourth person in the country is suffering from this problem. Many people take this problem as a joke. But, it can also be a sign of some serious disease. Due to one person's snoring, the problem caused to others is much more to the sufferer. Snoring means that you are suffering from some disorder inside the nose. Because, the head, mouth, teeth, ears and eyes are all connected with the nose. That's why snoring is not only a problem of the nose, it can also be a sign of problems related to these organs.

Some Ayurvedic (Home Remedies for Snoring) measures can be adopted to get rid of the problem of snoring. Let's know about these easy Ayurvedic remedies.
Put cow ghee in the nose
Putting 2 drops of cow's ghee in the nostrils in the morning or at night brings good sleep, as well as gives relief from headache, tension, migraine etc. Apart from this, your immunity also improves and allergies are reduced. Not only this, but it also improves memory and mental health. You have to do this process for 21 days to 3 months.

Molecule oil
If you do not want to use cow's ghee, you can use molecular oil instead. This is one such Ayurvedic oil that you can use for nasya therapy. But before doing this, take the advice of a doctor.

Nasya therapy will remove the problem of auto-immune disorder
Nasya also proves to be very effective in auto-immune disorders. Apart from this, diseases like autoimmune thyroid, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis can also be prevented with Nasya therapy.