The severe heat wave continuing in most of the states of the country is proving to be fatal. According to recent reports, about 114 people have died from March 1 to June 18 and more than 41 thousand people are suspected of heat stroke. Health experts say, not only is there a risk of heat stroke due to extreme heat, but the increasing heat can also cause serious damage to many parts of the body. Researchers said, that as the temperature increases, it can have adverse effects on overall health.

Researchers said, our body can bear only a fixed temperature. Normally our body can bear 43-45 degree temperature for some time, however, as it increases, it can have many types of side effects.

Let us know how the body is affected in case of temperature reaching 45 and above.

Severe heat in many states including Delhi

Severe heat is raging in many parts of North India including Delhi these days. Temperatures have reached 45-47 degrees in some places, so it is important to take steps to avoid heatstroke, dehydration, and other heat-related diseases. High temperatures can be fatal to the body. This can damage the brain, heart, and kidneys.

Let us know how the situation of mercury going above 45 degrees is harmful.

You can fall victim to hyperthermia

Dr. Abhay Goyal of Internal Medicine at a hospital in Gurugram explains that exposure to temperatures above 45 ° C (113 ° F) can have serious and potentially life-threatening effects on the body. Prolonged exposure to extreme heat causes the body temperature to rise dangerously, resulting in hyperthermia.

Hyperthermia is a condition of abnormally high body temperature. This happens when your body absorbs more heat than it can or is unable to expel the heat. Due to this, the body temperature can become very high.

Pressure increases on the cardiovascular system
When the body is exposed to high temperatures for a long time, you can become a victim of heat exhaustion. This causes symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, nausea, and headache. If it is not treated on time, it can lead to the risk of heat stroke.

High temperature puts additional pressure on the cardiovascular system. This increases the risk of heart-related problems. In people who already have heart problems, excessive heat can also increase the risk of heart attack-stroke.

Respiratory problems can be triggered
Due to extreme heat, not only does the heat in the air increase, but it can also worsen the air quality. Poor air quality is problematic for the respiratory system. This can also lead to the risk of conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) getting aggravated or triggered. People who already have respiratory problems like asthma need to be more careful during the summer days.