The rapidly increasing heat across the country has posed many challenges to health. Due to staying in high temperatures for a long time, there is a risk of heat stroke, as well as its negative effect, is being seen on many parts of the body. Health experts say it is important to keep avoiding the problems caused by heat and heat waves. In serious situations, it can cause serious damage to many organs as well as there is a risk of life-threatening side effects.

Health experts say, due to high temperatures, there is a risk of increasing eye-related problems. Excessive heat and dry winds are harmful to your eyes. Cases of redness, pain, burning, and allergic conjunctivitis in the eyes have also increased in hospitals these days. Not only this, high temperature can also increase the problem of dry eyes in the eyes, for which all people need to take special precautions.

Effect of rising heat on eyes

To know how dangerous the rising heat is for the eyes, we contacted Dr Pratibha Dixit, an ophthalmologist in Pune. Dr Pratibha says it is important to avoid the problem of heat stroke and dehydration in summer, as well as care should be taken about the health of the eyes. During summer, not only the skin but also the eyes need to be protected from UV rays. Due to a little carelessness, problems like redness, itching, and burning in the eyes can occur.

Cases of dry eyes syndrome have also been seen more in summer.

Risk of dry eye syndrome

Dr Pratibha says both too much heat and cold are harmful to the eyes. It increases the risk of dryness in the eyes. Dry eye problem occurs when your eyes are not able to produce enough tears to stay moist. In these conditions, your eyes feel uncomfortable and in some cases, it can also cause vision problems.

If this problem is not treated properly in time, then it can also lead to blurred vision and loss of eyesight.

How to identify the problem of dry eyes?

Dry eyes cause many problems in the eyes. In summer, sunlight causes stinging, burning, or itching in your eyes, apart from this, some people may also be at risk of sensitivity to light. Apart from this, it is considered necessary to pay serious attention to some other symptoms and get timely treatment.

Eyes remain red.

The feeling of something happening in the eyes.

Difficulty driving at night.

Frequent watering of eyes, burning sensation in the eyes.

Blurred vision or frequent feeling of tiredness in the eyes.

How to avoid the problem of dry eyes?

The ophthalmologist says, there is a risk of dehydration due to heat, which also reduces tear production. To avoid such risks, make sure that you keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Apart from this, it is also important to avoid being in direct contact with the air conditioner. This can make your eyes dry. Maintaining a healthy diet, consuming more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins is also helpful in keeping the eyes healthy and protecting them from the harmful effects of heat.