Due to modern lifestyle and today's food habits, many types of diseases are arising in the society. One of them is breast cancer. According to statistics, cancer is considered to be the leading cause of deaths worldwide. This is a serious disease, which can prove fatal if proper treatment is not given. Generally, cancers occurring in different parts of the body are known by their names. Breast cancer is the most common but serious type of this serious disease. It is the leading cause of death for women worldwide.

Some of the main reasons for this are family history, exposure to radiation, obesity, alcohol consumption etc. The risk of breast cancer in women increases with age. It is believed that 5% to 10% of breast cancer cases are genetic.

Do not delay in treatment.

Such cases often come from Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand and surrounding areas. You can identify breast cancer by these early symptoms, such as having some kind of lump in the breast. If you see any such symptoms, you should immediately reach the hospital. Doon Hospital keeps running awareness campaigns from time to time and along with this, cancer patients are also getting relief from facilities like chemotherapy etc. in Doon Hospital.

Breast cancer can occur even at a young age.

Dr. Daulat Singh, HOD of Cancer Department in Doon Hospital, while giving information said that many breast cancer patients are coming to Doon Hospital from Saharanpur, Bijnor, Chakrata, Dehradun and hilly areas of Uttarakhand. . He told that earlier the complaint of breast cancer was common in women aged between 45 to 50, but now even at a young age, patients suffering from breast cancer are coming to the hospital for treatment.

Obesity can become the cause of breast cancer.

Dr. Singh says that in the modern society, people are moving away from natural food and are consuming more fast food like pizza, burgers etc., which contain saturated fat. This can cause cancer. In the absence of natural diet and proper nutrition, saturated fat keeps accumulating in the body. Due to not exercising, it is unable to burn, which can lead to dangerous diseases like cancer. Obesity also increases the risk of breast cancer. Doctors say that if it is not treated properly and on time, the person may even die.

Symptoms of breast cancer

⦁ Formation of a lump or lump in the underarms and breast.

⦁ Tightness and swelling in the breasts or their surrounding areas.

⦁ Change in size or shape of breasts.

⦁ Looseness or shrinkage of breast skin.

⦁ Discharge from breast nipple.

⦁ Discharge from breast nipple.

⦁ Feeling pain and discomfort while touching the breasts.

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