The rapidly increasing heat and heat waves across the country can have many side effects on the body. Health experts have issued an alert saying that all people should keep protecting themselves from sun and heat these days. People who already have any kind of chronic disease like high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease should become even more careful during these days. Heat waves can cause both short-term and long-term health problems.

You too must have heard and seen cases like fainting and dizziness during summer. But do you know why this happens and if someone becomes unconscious due to heat, what measures should be taken immediately so that he can be saved from any serious problem?

Problems caused by heat stroke
Heat stroke or heat dizziness usually occurs when our body temperature increases significantly in response to some type of external factors such as high temperatures. This problem is seen more in people who live outside in extremely hot weather, work in the field, or play or exercise outside in the summer season.

This problem can also occur when you are in a hot car or indoor area where the temperature is high. This is why how to take care of health in summer, what to do and what not to do? It is important to know about this.

Why does fainting occur?
Health experts say, apart from being exposed to high temperatures during summer, there are some conditions due to which you may have problems like dizziness, fatigue, and fainting.

Dehydration is one of the main reasons for this. Loss of water from the body in the form of sweat and not drinking water in that proportion can lead to the problem of dehydration in which fainting is a major symptom. Apart from this, sudden change in body temperature due to going from cold to hot or from hot to cold places can also cause the problem of fainting and dizziness.

How to avoid dizziness in summer?
Dizziness and fainting can be avoided in summer by following some suggestions given by the doctor.
Make sure to drink an adequate amount of water. Be sure to consume fruits and vegetables rich in water.
Avoid drinking excessive tea or coffee. These can cause a risk of dehydration.
Keep taking ORS (oral rehydration solution). This can help in replenishing body fluids quickly.
Keep consuming drinks like coconut water and lemon water in summer.
Avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible, especially during the afternoon.
Wear cotton, loose-fitting, and light clothes.

What to do if you faint?
Doctors say that the main reason for feeling faint and dizzy during summer is an excessive increase in body temperature. If someone becomes unconscious, first of all, take necessary measures to control the body temperature. Drink fluids and water to reduce the risk of dehydration. If these measures do not provide relief, immediately seek help from a doctor. If timely treatment is not received, the symptoms may worsen and the risk of serious health problems may increase.