Heart Disease: Since Corona, the incidence of deaths due to heart-related diseases has increased rapidly. Cases of heart attack keep coming to light every day. Heart disease has become the biggest enemy of the youth. Earlier it used to affect the elderly, but now it is making the youth of 30 to 40 years its victims, which has become a matter of concern. After all, what is the reason behind this, let us know from the experts.

Why are younger people getting heart disease?

Bad eating habits

Nowadays youth are victims of wrong eating habits. The trend of online food has increased rapidly. Things are available at cheap and affordable prices. In such a situation, the youth have become addicted to eating processed food, oily food, and food items containing salt and sugar. Consuming salt causes the problem of high BP. At the same time, sugar makes a diabetic patient and due to these eating habits, there is an increased risk of heart disease.


In times of competition, increasing work pressure causes stress and tension. Nowadays the methods of working have changed. There is a lot of competition. Due to long hours of continuous work and competition to achieve targets, youth are becoming victims of stress. Mental stress causes problems in the arteries due to which the risk of heart attack increases.

Sedentary Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is also a major reason for this. Working sitting at a desk for many hours. Using lifts instead of stairs in an office, lack of exercise, and lying in one position can make you a heart patient. Blood circulation also reduces due to less contraction of muscles. This reduces blood circulation in the heart vessels which causes heart attack.

Lack of sleep

Also, pay attention to your sleeping pattern. Due to lack of sleep, hormones in the body become unbalanced. Due to this problems of obesity, diabetes, and high BP start occurring and it is responsible for heart diseases. People who sleep less than 6 hours have a higher risk of heart attack.

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