The heart is a very important part of our body, as long as it continues to function properly, our life will go on normally. Many people around the world including India are losing their lives due to heart attack, heart failure, coronary artery disease, and triple vessel disease. The trend of eating oily and sweet food is very high in our country, due to which cholesterol increases and then the heart starts getting weak. That's why you must recognize the heart problem in time, otherwise, your life may be in danger. Let us know what kind of signals we get when the heart starts getting weak.

Symptoms of heart failure
1. Palpitations

The health of the heart is known by the speed of our heartbeat, so doctors often use their stethoscope to detect the condition of the heartbeat, usually, our heart beats 70 to 80 times in a minute, although it increases during physical activities. Is normal. If your heartbeat is going beyond 100 even in normal conditions, then it can be a sign of serious illness, in such a situation, understand that your heart has become weak.

2. Quick tiredness of the body
Often many young people get tired quickly after working, in such a situation your heart may become weak. When there is a blockage in the veins, blood does not reach every part of the body properly, due to which weakness starts coming quickly.

3. Chest pain
Chest pain indicates a weak heart, it should be taken very seriously and should be shown to a good doctor immediately. If there is any kind of obstruction in the arteries, then the blood has to exert a lot of force to reach the heart, due to which there is a complaint of chest pain.

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