PC: zeenews

There was a time when heart attack was considered a disease that mainly affected the rich and people aged 60 and above. However, due to poor lifestyle and eating habits, heart attacks are now occurring even in younger individuals. Therefore, it is important to recognize the early warning signs that may indicate a heart attack in the near future. In this article, we will discuss some morning signs of heart attack that should not be ignored.

Excessive sweating

Although it is normal to sweat a little while sleeping in normal temperatures, waking up drenched in sweat can be a cause for concern. If you have excessive sweating at night, it is important to consult a doctor and discuss this symptom, as it may be an indicator of an underlying problem, including a possible heart problem.

Left side body pain

Experiencing pain on the left side of your body when you wake up should not be taken lightly. Such pain can occur in your arms, shoulders, chest, jaw, or even elbows. This could potentially be a sign of an impending heart attack. In such cases, it is advisable not to delay in seeking medical help and getting a thorough investigation done.

PC: Navbharat Times

Difficulty breathing

If you have difficulty taking deep breaths or feel short of breath as soon as you wake up in the morning, then it should be taken seriously. Such symptoms can sometimes be a warning sign of a heart attack. Difficulty in breathing occurs due to reduced oxygen supply due to blockage in blood vessels. In such cases, prompt medical evaluation is important.

Chest tightness

Feeling tightness or discomfort in the chest upon waking up is a cause for concern. This sensation may be a sign of a heart attack, especially if it is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the chest. In fact, blockage in the blood vessels can lead to reduced oxygen supply to the heart muscle, resulting in chest discomfort. Any such symptoms should not be ignored and it is advisable to seek medical advice immediately.

PC: Zee News - India.Com

Mental symptoms

Experiencing symptoms such as lightheadedness, confusion, tension, or extreme anxiety upon waking up may not be pleasant. However, these mental symptoms can sometimes be related to an impending heart attack. It is important not to ignore such signs and consider making changes to your lifestyle, including dietary habits. It is also advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a heart checkup.