How to Reduce Triglycerides: There are many types of cholesterol in our body. This is very important for us but if it becomes excessive then it also becomes the enemy of our life. Although bad cholesterol is the worst for the heart, triglycerides are also no less dangerous. If triglycerides increase then the risk of heart attack also increases, but if it increases along with bad cholesterol then the matter becomes more dangerous. According to Mayo Clinic, excessive amount of triglycerides in the blood causes hardening of the arteries. This is called arteriosclerosis. When the arteries start becoming hard and thin, there will be a fear of their bursting, and blood clotting will occur which can lead to a heart attack. The normal range of triglycerides should be up to 150 milligrams per deciliter or 1.7 millimoles per liter. It is more harmful than this.

1. Stay away from unhealthy things - To reduce triglycerides, unhealthy things have to be avoided. Processed food, sweetened drinks, corn syrup, items containing animal products, excessively fried items, and excessively sweet items should not be eaten. This will increase the amount of carbohydrates, which if not spent will increase triglycerides.

2. Reduce weight - Although excess weight is harmful to the body in many ways, if cholesterol or triglycerides increase then it becomes more fatal. After the accumulation of excess calories in the body, when it is not spent properly, the already accumulated calories will increase triglycerides. Therefore, by losing weight, triglycerides will also start reducing.

3. Quit cigarettes and alcohol - If cholesterol is high then even a little cigarette or alcohol consumption can be fatal. Alcohol contains high-calorie sugar. This sugar turns into fat which increases triglycerides.

4. Regular exercise- If triglycerides or cholesterol are increased then one should exercise regularly. Physical activity of 30 minutes to 45 minutes daily plays an important role in reducing triglycerides or cholesterol. This will increase good cholesterol. If good cholesterol increases then the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides will reduce.

5. Healthy diet- Eating a healthy diet is very important to reduce the level of triglycerides. For a healthy diet, consume green leafy seasonal vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains daily. Complete 90 percent of your diet with the plant best diet. The more plant-based diet you eat, the better it will be for overall health. Plant-based healthy fat is very helpful for a healthy heart. For this, consume almonds, walnuts, olive oil, canola oil, fish, salmon fish, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.

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