Underweight people think that the way to gain weight is to eat high-calorie food or overeat. This does not increase their overall weight, rather all the fat gets accumulated in the stomach. This visceral fat brings with it many diseases. Therefore, just as overweight people healthily lose weight, you should also consider healthily gaining weight.

Eating too much oily and fried food is not the right way to gain weight. With this, you make your body a home for diseases. So, today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you what should be your right way to gain weight-

Take Calorie Rich Foods

It is true that when you have to increase your weight, your calorie intake should be relatively high. However, this does not mean that you start consuming too much sugar and fried food. Rather, you should make calorie-rich as well as nutrient-rich food items a part of your diet. For example, you should include nuts, seeds, whole grain foods etc. in your diet.

Protein intake

If you want to increase your weight healthily, then you should pay special attention to your protein intake. Protein plays a very important role in muscle buildup, which makes your body look more full and toned. Try to include lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes tofu etc. in your diet.

Take healthy fats

To gain weight, it is very important to include proteins as well as fats in the diet. However, you should make healthy fats a part of your foods. Make sure you replace fried food with healthy fat sources like avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil. These not only provide you with extra calories, but they also provide many types of nutrients to your body.

Take several miles a day

To gain weight, it is considered very good to divide your daily meals into several parts. For example, instead of taking three main meals throughout the day, try to take five to six small meals. This does not make you feel very full or bloating etc. At the same time, you also easily consume too many calories. A calorie surplus helps increase weight.

Do exercise

Generally, people believe that working out reduces weight. Whereas in reality exercise helps in giving shape to your body. Especially, when you do strength training, it leads to muscle buildup and gradually your weight starts increasing. You can include many types of exercises like squats, deadlifts and bench presses in your workout routine.

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