Coconut cream is rich in healthy fat, fiber, and many antioxidants. Therefore, with its consumption, your blood sugar remains under control. At the same time, carbohydrates are also present in small amounts in it, which does not allow your weight to increase. People usually consume coconut water. But the cream often leaves. In such a situation, if you want, you can also eat this cream pudding and eat it. So today we have brought you the recipe for making tender coconut cream kheer. You can eat this cream kheer and eat it immediately. It also looks very tasty. Your digestion is better by taking it. You also feel energetic throughout the day, so let's know how to make coconut cream kheer (how to make coconut malai kheer)...

Coconut Malai Kheer Matter
Ghee 1 tbsp
Milk or coconut milk 2 cups
Chinese a quarter cup
Cashew 2 tablespoons
Almond 2 tablespoons
Raisins 2 tablespoons
Cardamom powder one quarter teaspoon
Coconut cream half cup
Coconut water half cup

How to make coconut cream kheer?
To make coconut cream kheer, first put ghee in a pan and keep the medium flame.
Then add almonds and cashews to it and fry till it becomes golden.
After this, add raisins to it and fry for about 15 to 30 seconds.
Then you take them out on a plate and keep them aside.
After this, add milk to the same pan and keep it to a boil.
Then you boil the milk until it cooks and remains about half.
After this, add sugar and cardamom powder and mix it.
Then you turn off the gas and let Khur cool down completely.
After this, add coconut cream, coconut water, and roasted fruits in cold kheer.
Then mix all these things and keep the kheer in the fridge to cool down.
Now your delicious coconut Malai Kheer is ready.