Healthy eating keeps the body good and its inner glow is visible on the face. That's why it is considered very important to include fresh fruits in your diet for good health and skin. But do you know that the peels of the fruit also play a special role in beautifying the beauty? The peels of some fruits are rich in many nutrients, which when applied on the face provide both moisture and nutrition to the skin. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about the peels of some fruits and vegetables, using which the skin can be made healthy and shiny. Let's know about these peels...

Lemon peel
Being rich in citrus, lemon acts as a natural cleanser. After squeezing the lemon juice, do not make the mistake of throwing away its peels. Because it has many advantages. Rub the peel directly onto the stain or rub the peel with a little baking soda on the stain. Doing this proves helpful in removing stains.

Pomegranate Peels
Pomegranate peels act as a good moisturizer and face scrub. They are also known to reduce aging and remove wrinkles. To apply these peels rich in antioxidants, dry them in the sun and grind them. After this, mix rose water or lemon juice and make a face pack with the powder of these peels and apply it on the face.

Papaya peels
You can use papaya peel to remove the dryness of the face and increase the glow. For this, after drying the peel of papaya, grind it finely and make its powder. Make a thick paste by mixing one teaspoon of glycerin in two teaspoons of powder and apply it on the face like a face pack. Wash your face when it dries. To remove tanning on the face, you can use the pulp of papaya mixed with lemon juice.

Mango peel
The best thing about the summer season is the arrival of mangoes. Everyone eagerly waits for the king of fruits, the Mango. But do you know that its peels can also provide a lot of benefits to the skin? For this, you have to grind mango peels and make a paste and apply it on the face and wash it with water after drying. A face pack of mango peels can help you get rid of wrinkles and acne. You can also make powder by drying mango peels. Then mix rose water and flour in this powder and make a paste and use it.

Orange peel
Vitamin C is also rich in orange peels. You can extract its juice by pressing this peel and rubbing it directly on the face with a light hand. This is an effective method for glowing skin. Apart from this, dry and grind orange peels. Use this powder whenever you wash your hair or make a paste of the peels and apply it on your hair. This will increase hair shine.

Banana peels
By the way, people usually throw away the peels of bananas after eating them. But let us tell you that banana peels can prove to be very beneficial for your skin. Yes, you are listening right? Banana peels work to make the skin soft and soft. All you have to do is rub the banana peel on your face.

Apple peels
Apple is said to be a powerhouse of skin-friendly nutrients. Its peels are good for cleansing the face and removing dead skin cells. To apply them on the face, peel the apple and rub these fresh peels on the face. After a while, wash your face and apply moisturizer. Your skin will glow.

Potato Peels
Potato is used daily in every household. Like banana peel, it can also provide many benefits to your skin. Rubbing potato peels on the top and bottom of the eyes helps in reducing puffy eyes. Potato peels contain an enzyme called catecholase. This enzyme helps in reducing dark circles under the eyes and gives an even skin tone.