Cardiac Arrest: In the past, the cases of heart-related diseases are increasing rapidly in the country. These days, cases of cardiac arrest or heart attack are continuously coming up not only among the elderly but also among the youth. These heart-related problems have attracted everyone's attention recently. From health experts to common people, everyone has become very cautious about their health.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is very important to reduce the risk of heart disease. But at the same time, before any major cardiac event happens, it is also important to keep an eye on what your body is telling you. Your body gives you warning signs before cardiac arrest. These are red flags that can help you get help.

Alert is received 24 hours in advance
A recent study showed that 50 percent of people who had a cardiac arrest experienced a distinct warning sign 24 hours before the heart's function began to decline. Cardiac arrest occurs when a person's heart stops pumping blood around his or her body and he or she stops breathing normally.

What does the study say
The latest study also revealed that these warning signs of cardiac arrest were different for women than for men. The study, conducted by the Schmidt Heart Institute at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in the US, confirmed that women and men have different symptoms. The study found that the most prominent symptom of sudden cardiac arrest in women was shortness of breath, while men experienced chest pain.

Other symptoms of cardiac arrest
sudden excessive sweating
difficulty breathing
sharp chest pain

Ways to avoid cardiac arrest
Often our lifestyle makes us a victim of many problems. To keep your heart healthy and avoid cardiac arrest, you must keep yourself healthy by making some necessary changes.

By making changes in smoking, obesity, and poor lifestyle.
Try to control diabetes, high blood pressure, and dyslipidemia.
Avoid eating high-fat and overly sweet things.
Stop consuming carbonated drinks and be physically active.
You can easily avoid this by keeping food and drink healthy.