Healthy Immune System: Food or diet plays a big role in keeping us fit and healthy. Whatever we eat, our body gets energy to work, as well as strength to fight diseases. However, in today's era where the trend of fast food is increasing, not all of what we are eating is healthy. Most of these things are such that long-term consumption damages our health and immune system.

Today we are telling about 5 such foods which should either be removed from the diet or should be eaten at least.

Drinking too much coffee
If you drink several cups of coffee a day, it affects your body's ability to absorb minerals like iron and calcium. The role of minerals is important for a strong immune system. Excessive caffeine also spoils your sleep pattern, due to which your immune system also becomes weak.

Sweet food in excess
If you eat a lot of sweets daily, it weakens your immune system. If you use white sugar carefully and do not put it in daily tea, coffee, or milk, still it becomes a part of your diet in many ways. For example, through tomato ketchup, sports drinks, flavored curd, etc. Also, if you often eat sweets or cakes, it is not healthy for your immunity.

Eating sugar causes inflammation in the body, which increases the risk of many diseases. Also, sugar weakens your immune system, making you more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria.

Processed meat consumption
Processed meat is that which has been preserved by smoking, drying, salting, and packing in cans. This includes sausages, hot dogs, salami, etc. Processed meat is usually full of saturated fat, sodium, etc., chemicals that weaken our immune system. That's why it is advisable to eat fresh meat, which is available at a clean shop.

Eating too many refined carbs
Eating refined carbs increases the blood sugar level of the body. This causes inflammation in the body and weakens the immunity. Refined carbs include white bread, potato chips, cornflakes, etc.

Binge drinking
Even if you are a heavy drinker, it will affect your immune system. Due to this you will be a victim of infections. For example, the immune cells that protect your lungs will be weakened, losing their ability to clear mucus from the lungs. Drinking alcohol also affects your body's ability to make white blood cells, making you more vulnerable to many infections.
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