In today's time, along with habit or addiction, tobacco cigarettes have also become a means of fashion. Many people have started using it just as a show-off. Consumption of tobacco, cigarettes etc. is injurious to health. According to the World Health Organization, every year around 8 million people around the world fall prey to deadly diseases caused by tobacco use. Every person knows that it is causing harm, but due to addiction, it is difficult to quit. In such a situation, today we have brought information about some home remedies for you, the use of which will help in getting rid of cigarette addiction. If you also want to quit tobacco-cigarette addiction, then try these tips.

Celery and Fennel
If you want to quit tobacco or cigarette addiction, then using celery and fennel can prove beneficial for you. For this, take an equal quantity of celery and fennel and take black salt in half of it. Now grind all three things finely and mix some lemon juice in it and keep it for the whole night. In the morning, roast it lightly on a hot griddle and store it in an airtight container. Whenever you feel like smoking a cigarette, suck this powder. This will help you to quit your cigarette addiction.

Cinnamon and honey
The use of cinnamon and honey is also an effective home remedy to get rid of cigarette and tobacco addiction. For this, grind cinnamon finely and add honey to it. Consume this mixture whenever you feel the urge to smoke.

Bottle gourd seeds
Gourd seeds will also be beneficial in getting rid of the addiction to tobacco and gutka. Grind bottle gourd seeds in a mixer and make tablets by adding lemon and black salt. Whenever you remember gutka tobacco, you can consume it.