When it comes to healthy and glowing skin or thick hair, biotin is one of the most talked about nutrients. Also known as vitamin H, biotin is one of the B-complex vitamins that help convert food into energy. It is also often talked about for its benefits in maintaining vibrant and glowing skin. Health experts say, adding biotin-rich foods to your diet can provide special benefits to your skin.

Most people get the biotin they need from a healthy diet. Biotin is not only beneficial for skin and hair, but it is also necessary for controlling blood sugar, giving birth to a healthy child. However, like any other nutrient, too much or too little of biotin can be harmful. Let us know how it can be achieved through diet.

What do health experts say?
A daily intake of 30 to 100 micrograms of biotin is considered adequate for adolescents and adults. Many people start taking biotin supplements on their own to get the most out of it and improve skin tone, but it can have many side effects. Health experts say, getting nutrients through diet is beneficial. If the doctor feels its deficiency in you and recommends supplements, then only it should be consumed.

Let us know by including what things in the daily diet, the requirements of biotin can be met.

Consume nuts and seeds
Dried fruits and many types of seeds contain good amounts of fiber, unsaturated fats, and protein. With these, you can also supply the essential biotin for the body. 20 grams of sunflower seeds can provide 2.6 mcg of biotin while 30 grams of toasted almonds can provide 1.5 micrograms of biotin. Researchers found that including nuts in the diet may be better for overall health.

Include mushrooms in the diet
Mushrooms are known to be rich in nutrients, they also contain biotin in abundance. This is the reason why it is advised to eat mushrooms to improve skin tone. Mushrooms (120 grams) contain about 2.6 micrograms of biotin, which can meet 10 percent of the daily requirement. Mushrooms are beneficial for everything from controlling cholesterol to keeping the brain healthy and keeping the immune system in good shape.

Many benefits of eating a banana
Bananas are one of the most popular fruits around the world. It is also rich in micronutrients like copper and potassium along with fiber, carbs, and B vitamins. One small banana (105 grams) contains about 0.2 mcg of biotin. It has been found beneficial in improving the complexion of the skin. This is the reason why many people get bananas on the skin.

(PC: Freepik)