Alsi Ke Beej Ke Fayde: Cholesterol and high blood pressure have become a big problem of today's era, not only in India but many people all over the world are troubled by it, if both of these are not controlled then it can cause fatal diseases like heart attack. Could. Generally, when we take unhealthy diet and reduce physical activities, fat starts increasing around the stomach and waist, due to which bad cholesterol starts increasing in the blood, due to which blockage starts in the veins and the blood reaches the heart. Have to apply, which becomes the cause of heart attack.

Will bad cholesterol be reduced by this seed?
India's famous nutrition expert Nikhil Vats said that people suffering from high cholesterol and high blood pressure should consume flaxseeds daily, it reduces plaque in the arteries and blood pressure can also be managed. Is.

Nutrients found in flax seeds
Flaxseeds contain essential nutrients such as vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, protein, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, fiber, copper, selenium and carotene, as well as Anti-fungal and anti-viral properties are found which benefit the health in many ways.

How to reduce cholesterol with flaxseeds
If linseed seeds are consumed regularly, with the help of this bad cholesterol can be reduced in the blood, especially for people suffering from Peripheral Artery Disease, it is not less than any medicine.

Soluble fiber, omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids are found in flaxseeds, all these nutrients are considered enemies of high cholesterol. The Linoleic Acid present in it keeps the pumping of the heart normal.

How to eat flax seeds?
If we eat one spoon or 5 grams of linseed seeds daily, then it will be enough for the good health of our heart. Roast it and eat it, if you want, you can mix it in porridge or curd. Keep in mind that if you have high potassium level or kidney disease then do not eat it.