Physical relation is considered necessary for healthy bonding between partners. Many times there is an intimate relationship between two partners, but it is not healthy. You can also find many signs in your relationship, which are the hallmark of a healthy sexual relationship. By identifying these signs, you can make the relationship between you and your partner stronger. According to health experts, physical intimacy makes the emotional relationship between two partners stronger. Let us know by which signs you can find out about healthy sexual life.

Don't hesitate to ask
No person can know what is in the mind of another. If you want to know something about your relationship then do not hesitate. The partner needs to be open to learning and answers about anything. If you find it difficult to ask and speak about your needs, then you have to pay attention to your relationship.

Make a schedule
According to the Journal of Psychosexual Health, most people feel that the desire for sex comes naturally. Scheduling has to be done for this. For this, a special day or occasion has to be selected. If you and your partner schedule sex between responsibilities, it means that your sexual relationship is healthy.

Being with each other
There are quarrels between the two on every point, arguments are being made but they are together on the bed. If there is such a relationship between someone, then this sign is not correct. For a healthy sexual relationship, it is necessary to get pleasure from each other.

Respect feelings
In physical intimacy, both partners must respect each other's feelings. When we respect each other's feelings, the relationship between the two becomes stronger.