Those who take care of their hands often take special care of their nails as well. Nails play an important role in enhancing the beauty of our hands. But do you know that with the help of your nails, you can also know the secret of your health?

Health Tips: The nails that enhance the beauty of the hands also tell the secret of our health. Surprisingly this thing is completely true. Actually, with the help of nails, you can find out about your health. You can find out your disease through nails. If you are suffering from some disease or problem, your nails may show their symptoms. This was the reason that in the olden times, doctors used to detect diseases just by looking at the nails. Even today you can find out about your health and illness through your nails. So let's know about the different symptoms seen in nails and the diseases related to them-

Yellowing of nails is a common problem, which can be due to many reasons. Apart from excessive use of nail polish or increasing age, your nails can turn yellow for many other reasons. But sometimes due to diseases like thyroid or diabetes, your nails start to look yellow. Apart from this, the nails often turn yellow even when there is jaundice.

Dark spots or streaks on the nails

If dark spots or streaks start appearing on your nails, do not ignore them at all. Indeed, dark spots or marks can be a sign of a serious illness. These dark spots or streaks can be caused by melanoma, which is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. In such a situation, if you see this mark on your nails, then contact the doctor immediately.

Ingrown toenail

If your nails are raised or slightly bent than normal, it means that there is a lack of oxygen in your blood. It also shows that your lungs are not working properly. Apart from this, if such symptoms appear in your nails, then it can be a sign of diseases like liver, kidney, heart, and AIDS.

White marks on nails

If you are seeing white spots on your nails, it could be due to net trauma. Often people do not take it seriously when white marks are seen on their nails. But if you see white marks on your nails, then contact the doctor immediately. White marks can be a sign of fungal infection.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.