The monsoon season has arrived, and along with enjoying delicious food in this season, it is also important that you take care of your diet. This includes staying away from fried foods from roadside stalls as well as some healthy vegetables.

Yes, in the rainy season, vegetables rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals cause disease when they enter the stomach. You can know in detail about which vegetables are these here.

Leafy vegetables

Bacteria start growing rapidly on leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, and fenugreek during monsoon. In such a situation, there is a risk of food poisoning by eating them.

Sprouted grains

Sprouted grains and pulses are not safe to eat during monsoon. Due to excess moisture, there is a high risk of fungus in them which causes poor digestion, infection.

Mushroom is a healthy vegetable rich in powerful nutrients like vitamin D, but eating it in the rain is like inviting diseases. Actually, this vegetable is grown in a humid environment, due to which there is a risk of dangerous bacteria growing in it during monsoon. In such a situation, eating it can cause digestion problems.

Peas and corn
These are starchy vegetables that attract moisture. In such a situation, there is a risk of fungus and bacteria growing very fast in it during the rainy season. Therefore, it is advisable to eat it in very small quantities and after cooking it well.

Brinjal should be avoided during the monsoon season. Because there is a risk of fungus in this vegetable plant. Due to moisture, this vegetable can be full of bacteria, which can make you sick.

(PC: Freepik)