PCOS Symptoms: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in women is a problem related to the ovaries. In this disease, hormones become imbalanced in women. Due to this, instead of the female hormone, the level of the male hormone (androgen) starts increasing very much in women. In this, many lumps start forming in the ovary of the woman. This problem starts appearing due to a bad lifestyle, improper diet, anxiety, and period problems. Women can avoid this problem to a great extent even by improving their diet. In such a situation, let's try to know, by improving the diet, this problem can be avoided.

Avoid drinking energy drinks
Women who are suffering from PCOS. They should not drink soda and energy drinks. There is a lot of sugar in it. Insulin level is affected due to high sugar. Testosterone levels can also be affected by this. An increase in the weight of women can also be recorded.

Do not consume caffeine
Caffeine is found in tea and large quantities. Women who suffer from PCOS. They should not consume tea and coffee. Due to its use, the level of male hormone i.e. androgen hormone increases very rapidly in women. Avoid drinking it. This may increase the problem.

Don't eat fried things at all
If you are suffering from the problem of PCOS, then fried things should not be consumed at all. Harmful saturated and trans fat increases a lot by eating this type of food. This can make the problem of PCOS serious.

Don't eat them
When there is a problem with PCOS, a woman needs to be very careful with her diet. Alcohol, red meat, and processed foods should not be consumed at all. Its negative effect is seen on the body.