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Our body needs many types of vitamins every day to function properly, but due to today's wrong eating habits, the body does not get any vitamins. This causes a deficiency of vitamins. In such a situation, cases of deficiency of Vitamin B12 are seen more.

According to doctors, the role of vitamin B12 is to produce red blood cells and improve the functioning of the nervous system. Its deficiency can also impair the functioning of the brain. In such a situation, the deficiency of this vitamin should not be taken lightly.

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According to doctors, vitamin B12 deficiency can cause problems like weakness, neurological problems, yellowing of the skin, weight loss, and rapid heartbeat. Long-term deficiency of this vitamin in the body can cause problems like headaches, lack of attention at work, and mouth ulcers.

Adults need 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 per day. If vitamins are not available in such quantity, then deficiency of vitamins starts in the body. To find out, get your Vitamin B12 levels checked regularly. If there is a deficiency, watch your diet and consult a doctor.

image credit: timesofindia

To overcome the deficiency of Vitamin B12 in the body, you can include healthy foods like almonds, milk, cheese, fish, eggs, or red meat in your diet. Along with these foods, include green and leafy vegetables in your diet. Also, drink the right amount of water throughout the day.