The winter season has come where the problem of asthma patients increases due to the pollution and smog spread in the air. Asthma is a serious and chronic disease related to breathing, the number of patients of which is increasing day by day. In the problem of asthma, the windpipe shrinks, due to which the breath cannot come freely and the breath gets stuck. This problem can become a serious problem during winters. In such a situation, at this time you need to improve your lifestyle. Some yogasanas can help you in this, with the help of which the lungs can get the right amount of oxygen and there is no problem in breathing. Let us know about those yogasanas which prove to be a boon for asthma patients.

Sukhasana is very beneficial for asthma patients. Since the focus is on inhaling and exhaling, it is effective in the treatment of asthma and also keeps the lungs healthy. To do this, sit in a straight position by bending your legs, that is, hitting the palauthi. Now place your right hand on your heart and left hand on your stomach. Close the eyes and pull the stomach in and lift the chest slightly. Now release the breath slowly to the outside. Remain in this position for at least 5-6 minutes and repeat again.

Bhramari Pranayama
Sit in a comfortable position to perform yoga asanas such as Sukhasana, Ardhapadmasana or Padmasana. Straighten your back and close your eyes. Keep the thumb of the hand above the ear. Then place the ring finger near the nose, the middle finger above the eyelids and the index finger on the forehead. Now take a deep breath. Chant Om while breathing. Keep the mouth closed during this process and feel the vibration of the sound.

Bhujangasana can be a very beneficial yoga for people suffering from the problem of asthma. Practicing it regularly can help reduce the complications of asthma. To do this yoga asana, keep the palm under the shoulders while lying on the stomach. Inhale and lift the front part of the body upwards. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds and then come back to normal. Bhujangasana is considered beneficial in many other health problems.