Vitamin D Deficiency Disease: To keep our body healthy, we eat many such foods so that there is no deficiency of nutrients, otherwise many types of deficiency diseases can occur, these are the diseases that are caused by the deficiency of a particular nutrient. Today we are talking about 'Vitamin D' which is an important nutrient for our body. If there is a deficiency, it hurts immunity, and the power to fight infection reduces.

Disadvantages of Vitamin D deficiency

A deficiency of 'Vitamin D' not only reduces the immunity of our body but also causes the biggest damage to the bones, they start becoming weak and the risk of bone fracture increases, due to which there is lethargy, tiredness, and irritability. It is felt. If you take care of some special things then you will not face these problems.

How to overcome Vitamin D deficiency?

We are all aware that to get Vitamin D, you will have to spend time in the sun because sunlight fulfills the deficiency of this special nutrient in our body. Dr. Ayushi Yadav, a famous dietitian working at GIMS Hospital in Greater Noida, told ZEE NEWS that our body needs 600 UI of Vitamin D daily. Apart from sitting in the sun, you can also get this nutrient by eating some food. Let us know the ways to get Vitamin D.

1. Spend at least half an hour in the sun every day, try to ensure that the more part of your body gets exposure to sunlight, the better.

2. Vegetarian people should include cow's milk, orange juice, whole grains, and mushroom salad in their daily diet.

3. If you are non-vegetarian then include egg yolk, salmon, and tuna fish in your diet.

4. Consume one spoon of liver oil daily, this will provide almost half of the daily need for Vitamin D.

5. Food options are very less for those who are vegan. They can consume almond milk and soya milk.

Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading our news. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.

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