Vitamin C Deficiency: Like all the nutrients, our body also needs a lot of vitamins. If we talk about Vitamin C, it is generally considered an immunity boosting nutrient. Actually, it is an antioxidant which keeps the connective tissues healthy. And the joints also get support. Apart from this, we also need Vitamin C to keep our eyes healthy. If there is a deficiency of this nutrient in the body, it may have to suffer many losses.

Why does Vitamin C deficiency occur?

If you smoke, drink alcohol, do not eat properly, have any kind of mental illness, then there may be deficiency of Vitamin C in your body and in such a situation you must take food rich in Vitamin C. .

How much vitamin c should be taken

In general, men need 90 mg and women need 75 mg of Vitamin C daily. When it is not fulfilled, there can be many types of problems in the body.

Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency

- Dry and split hairs

-Wounds take longer time to heal

- Anemia (blood deficiency)

- Bleeding gums

- Dry and scaly skin

- Joint pain

-Weakening of teeth

- Slowing down of metabolic activity

- Ability to fight infection

-Bleeding even with minor scratches

Vitamin C keeps eyes healthy

Vitamin C has antioxidant properties, which also help in keeping the eyes healthy. If you consume Vitamin C daily, your chances of getting diseases like cataract will be reduced. If there is a deficiency of Vitamin C, the risk to the eyes increases.

Vitamin C deficiency diseases

Many people also get scurvy disease.

Weakness and exhaustion remain.

-Teeth become loose soon.

Nails also become weak.

There is pain in the joints.

Hair starts falling.

Foods Rich in Vitamin C




-Orange -Grape



-Banana -Plum




-Radish leaves -Munkka -Milk -Beet -Cabbage -Green Coriander


(Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news of ours. This news has been written only for the purpose of making you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing it. You can get anything related to your health anywhere. If you read this then definitely take doctor's advice before adopting it.)

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