Side Effects Of Rock Salt : Just as the taste of food is sweet, in the same way, salt is also very important for our bodies. If salt is not added to the food, or if it is reduced, then the taste of eating becomes gritty. However, health-conscious people are very careful about the consumption of salt. That's why nowadays some people have started using low-sodium ie rock salt. It is also called Himalayan salt, pink salt, or rock salt.

Tell me, there is very little sodium in rock salt. At the same time, there is no chemical process in its making. That is why it is called pure salt. But perhaps you would be unaware that excessive consumption of rock salt can be equivalent to poison for you. Yes, excessive consumption of anything has side effects. In the same way, if you are using rock salt continuously, then it can cause much harm to the body. Let us know how harmful rock salt can be for you.

Excessive use of rock salt can cause these serious problems-

1. Goitre disease-

Compared to normal salt, the amount of iodine (iron) in rock salt is very less. Therefore, if you consume it continuously and more in food, then iodine is deficient in the body. Due to not getting a sufficient amount of iodine in the body, a person may complain of goiter. Tell me, this disease occurs in the throat, which becomes like a lump. In this disease, the person becomes unable to eat and swallow anything.

2. Thyroid patients -

As we told you that there is an iodine deficiency in rock salt. That's why it can be harmful to thyroid patients as well. Such people thyroid patients should use common salt.

3. Risk of low blood pressure-

People with low blood pressure should not consume rock salt. That is, the victims of low BP should stop consuming salt. There is a lot of potassium in rock salt, which is helpful in high BP, but it is dangerous for those with low BP.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, take medical advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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