Vitamin B12 Deficiency Disease: We need many types of nutrients to keep our body healthy, one of them is Vitamin B12, health experts always recommend that we should not let this nutrient be deficient in the body. Otherwise, you may have to face many problems. For this, we need to eat certain types of foods, which include things like eggs, oats, milk products, broccoli, and salmon fish. Let us know that if there is a deficiency of Vitamin B12 in the body then what are the disadvantages we can face.

Damage caused by vitamin B-12 deficiency

1. Sadness will increase

Vitamin B12 is very important for our mental health, it improves mood, and you can easily get out of stress or stress. Therefore, if you do not eat foods containing vitamin B12, then sadness can increase.

2. Deficiency of blood in the body

If you do not eat food rich in vitamin B-12 in your daily diet, then you may have anemia and in such a situation there will be a lack of blood in the body, then you will feel tired and weak. We need this nutrient for the formation of Red Blood Cells in the body.

3. Bones will be weak

We often emphasize on removing calcium and vitamin D deficiency to strengthen bones, but forget that vitamin B12 is equally important for bones. If this nutrient is deficient in your body, then a disease like osteoporosis can occur.

4. Beauty will be less

Vitamin B12 also contributes significantly to enhancing the beauty of our body, so it should not be lacking. It helps in keeping our skin, hair, and nails healthy, which improves our look.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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