Orange Side Effects: The winter season has started. In this season the market is filled with many vegetables and fruits. Consuming fruits and vegetables keeps the body healthy and diseases are cured. The winter season is incomplete without oranges. Vitamin C is found in abundance in oranges. Apart from this, it is also a good source of protein, carbohydrate, fiber, sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

In winter, this question remains in people's mind whether oranges should be eaten in cold weather or not? There can be disadvantages of eating too much orange in winter. Today we will tell you for which people excessive consumption of orange can be very harmful.


People suffering from liver related diseases should avoid excessive consumption of oranges. This is because oranges are rich in potassium. Along with this, it also affects the kidneys.

Dental problems

People who have any teeth related problem should avoid eating too much orange. Excessive consumption of orange causes damage to teeth. It contains an acid which can combine with calcium in the teeth to cause bacterial infection.


Excessive consumption of orange can cause acidity and heartburn. Orange contains acid which increases the level of acid in the body. Always consume orange in limited quantities or only after consulting a doctor.

Joint pain

People who are suffering from arthritis or joint pain should avoid excessive consumption of oranges. Orange has a cooling effect which can further increase joint pain

Citrus allergy

Orange is a sour fruit. Many people do not like sour fruits and if they consume them, they suffer from stomach related diseases. Citrus fruits cause allergy. At the same time, eating orange can increase this allergy.

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