Cancer is considered one of the deadliest diseases. If cancer is in the liver, then it becomes even more complicated for the patient and the doctor. Liver cancer starts from liver cells. Like any other disease, the sooner you come to know that you have liver cancer, the sooner you can overcome it. However, the problem is more in this because the symptoms of liver cancer are not visible even till the last stages. This makes it more deadly. Let's know about the possible symptoms of liver cancer...

Indigestion is also a sign

Indigestion of food means a problem that occurs after eating. After a little meal, if you feel that your stomach is very full, then it is a common symptom of liver cancer. Even if vomiting occurs in this situation, there is a need to be careful.

However, it is not necessary that if these symptoms are seen then it is cancer only. This may be happening due to some other health reason as well, in which case the person should contact the doctor and get it checked.

Other common symptoms

Liver cancer can also cause many other symptoms. These include unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, increased liver size, feeling of fullness under the ribs on the right side, abdominal pain, pain near the right shoulder blade, abdominal pain, swelling or fluid in the abdomen Congestion, itching, and jaundice are included.

​Obvious symptoms of indigestion

can be caused by indigestion that is not due to an underlying disease. Common causes include eating too much, drinking too much alcohol, binge eating, or taking pills on an empty stomach. Here are some other symptoms of indigestion that you may experience, such as heartburn (a painful burning feeling in the chest usually after eating), belching and belching, and regurgitating bitter-tasting food or liquids.

Effects of liver cancer on the body

In the case of liver cancer, the level of calcium in the blood may be high (hypercalcemia). This may cause nausea, constipation, weakness, or muscle problems. Liver cancer can also cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), which can lead to tiredness or fainting.

Enlargement of the male chest (gynecomastia) or shrinkage of testicles can also be the cause of liver cancer. The person may look red because of the high number of red blood cells (erythrocytosis). Lastly, liver cancer can also lead to high cholesterol levels.

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