Health Tips: Urea is filtered out of the body by the kidney, but when the kidney does not work properly. Then these waste materials start increasing in the body and become dangerous for the body.

High Urea Causes: Our body remains healthy as long as all the parts of our body work properly. If any organ does not work properly, then we start falling ill. Today we will talk about a dangerous disease that dries up even a strong person. The job of our kidneys is to filter the blood and take out the waste materials.

Waste materials are those non-essential substances that can be dangerous if they stay in the body for a long time. Some chemicals present in the liver break down nitrogen and ammonia into urea and this urea is filtered out of the body by the kidney, but when the kidney does not work properly. Then these waste materials start increasing in the body and become dangerous for the body.

When urea increases in our body, many symptoms are seen such as rapid weight loss, pain, frequent daytime sleepiness, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, muscle cramps, and early fatigue. If you are seeing such symptoms, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Urea is a kind of dirt for the body, due to its increase, there is a lot of bad smell from the mouth and the patient's urine also smells bad. When urea is in high amounts in our body then this symptom is called uremic fitter. Urea content is the main reason for the bad smell in urine and mouth. In this disease, if the patient is not treated in time, then even a strong person starts drying up, and his weight falls rapidly. When the amount of urea starts increasing in the body, then we should keep away almonds, kidney beans, peanuts, pulses, soybean, and seafood and consult a doctor.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general knowledge. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)