If You Give Up Caffeine for a Month: In India itself, for billions of people around the world, the day does not start until they drink a cup of tea or coffee. There is no dearth of lovers of these hot drinks, they consume them several times a day. This refreshes the mind and gives instant energy to the body, but tea coffee is not good for our health, because caffeine is found in it, which causes many problems. If it is said that you should leave this drink for a few days, then it will be impossible for many people, because it has become an addiction. Let us know that if a person abstains from tea and coffee for a month, then what changes can come in his body?

Quitting caffeine will have an effect

1. Control blood pressure

Tea and coffee may give us relief from fatigue, but it increases blood pressure, which is not a good situation. Caffeine is found in these beverages, so if you stop drinking tea and coffee for a month, your blood pressure will come under control and the complaint of high BP will go away.

2. Peaceful sleep will come

Qhitting tea will have a positive effect on your sleep, remember how long you used to sleep in your childhood, but when you grew up, you got used to caffeinated beverages and then you started having problems sleeping. Within a week of quitting tea and coffee, you will see a tremendous improvement in your sleep. In a month you will be able to feel a big difference yourself. Since caffeine activates our neurons, drinking tea and coffee makes us sleepy.

3. Whiteness will come in teeth:

Hot things like tea and coffee are very harmful to our teeth, it not only takes away their color but also weaken them. If you stop drinking tea and coffee for a month, then you will be saved from major damage to your teeth and then new whiteness will start coming in it. Tea coffee is slightly acidic which can damage the enamel of the teeth. This can also cause squeaking.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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