Joint Pain Reason: In today's time, due to busy life, it is very common to have pain in joints. This is a disease that troubles people for a long time. Many times this disease becomes incurable for people and they have to suffer from this problem till the end of their life. It is extremely cold at this time and this season brings with it many diseases. For some people, this season brings problems like earache, toothache, headache, joint pain.

Pain increases in cold

If someone already has back pain or knee pain, it increases further in cold weather. Due to joint pain, it becomes difficult for people to even walk or sit. Many people are confused whether this is happening because of the weather or there is some other reason behind it.

A study conducted in 2015 revealed that people who already have joint pain problems, their problem increases during cold days. Data of a total of 810 patients was taken in this study. It was also found that as the temperature drops, the joint pain becomes more intense. Let us know the reasons due to which joint pain increases in winter.

1- Thickening of joint fluid:

During cold days, the fluid present between the joints starts thickening. In the language of science, it is known as synovial fluid. Due to the thickening of this fluid, there is difficulty in moving the joints of the legs. This is the reason why joint pain increases during cold days.

2- Previous injury:

People who already suffer from joint pain or have had an injury before, then the pain starts appearing in the cold. The nerves in the place where there is already pain become sensitive due to low temperature during cold days. And the pain increases.

3- Lack of physical activities:

It is very common to be lazy during cold days. The temperature remains so low in winter that people want to stay under the quilt most of the time. Due to which physical activity reduces. In such a situation, joint pain starts increasing. To reduce this problem, a person should do exercise.

This is a disease which is very difficult to cure from its root, but joint pain can be controlled with some home remedies.

1- Eat healthy and nutritious food.

In this season, include such food in your diet which is beneficial for health. When there is nutritious food in the body, the person remains energetic, due to which joint pain gets relief. According to experts, include food items like dairy products, green vegetables, fruits, dry fruits in your daily life.

2- Use heating pad:

The use of heating pad increases in winter. When a heating pad is applied on the joints, the synovial fluid works well, due to which joint pain is relieved. If this pad is not available then hot water can also be applied on the painful joint. This provides relief from pain.

3- Exercise daily:

It is very common to be lazy during cold days. The temperature remains so low in winter that people want to stay under the quilt most of the time. Due to which physical activity reduces. In such a situation, joint pain starts increasing. To reduce this problem, include exercise in your daily routine.

4- Stay hydrated.

You feel less thirsty in cold, due to which you do not feel like drinking water. In such a situation, dehydration starts occurring in the body. Drinking less water causes many problems. One of which is joint pain. Therefore, keep yourself hydrated by drinking water during cold days.

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