Anaemia is a problem in which there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the body. That means there is a lack of blood in the body. Red blood cells contain haemoglobin, a protein that enables oxygen to be carried from the lungs to all parts of the body. When there is a shortage of red blood cells in the body, the blood does not supply enough oxygen. This is mostly seen in women but children also become victims of it. Today we will know what symptoms are seen in anemia in children.

Symptoms of anaemia in children

  • If your child gets tired after playing for a while then this is one of the most common symptoms of anemia.
  • Due to lack of blood, the immunity also starts weakening due to which the child falls ill again and again.
  • Due to anaemia, irritability and restlessness are also seen in children.
  • If a child starts feeling short of breath or has difficulty breathing after climbing stairs, these can also be symptoms of anaemia. Due to a lack of blood, oxygen is not supplied.
  • If a child repeatedly complains of headache and dizziness, these can also be symptoms of anaemia.
  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes can also be symptoms of anaemia.
  • Sometimes the heart rate also increases and the body temperature also starts falling.

Protect yourself like this

  • If any such symptoms are seen in your child, get a checkup done by the doctor immediately and get the medicine prescribed by the doctor.
  • Apart from this, you can also feed green vegetables, pulses and non-vegetarian food to the child. This also increases red blood cells in the body.
  • Make nutritious fruits rich in Vitamin C like lemon, orange, tangerine, kiwi, and strawberry a part of your diet. This also enables the body to absorb iron faster.

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