How to make fat-burning drinks: In today's time, everyone is very troubled by bloated stomachs and hanging fat. In such a situation, today we have brought for you the method of making fat burning drink. By drinking this drink only for 1 month, you start losing weight rapidly. Your body remains hydrated by its use. Along with this, it also helps in body detoxification. This boosts your metabolism due to which your body fat or extra fat starts burning fast, so let's know how to make fat burning drink.....

Ingredients to make fat-burning drink-

10-12 mint leaves

1 medium-sized cucumber (thinly sliced)

1 tsp grated ginger

1 lemon (thinly sliced)

8 cups water

How to make a fat burning drink?

To make fat burning drink, first of all, take a container.

Then you mix all the things in it and leave it like this overnight.

After this, the next morning, remove mint leaves, lemon, and chopped ginger pieces from it.

Then you put all the other things in a glass.

After this, drink this drink little by little throughout the day.

Then you try to finish it by night.

To burn fat, drink this drink for about 1 month.

By consuming this drink, your body will remain hydrated and detox.

Along with this, drinking it will also start melting extra fat from the body.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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