How To Lose Weight: In today's time, every other person is a victim of obesity. In such a situation, if you too are not able to lose weight after spending time dieting and hours, then there is no need to worry because here we will tell you some easy things, after doing which you can reduce your weight easily. can do. Yes, before sleeping at night, you should take care of some special things.

To lose weight, do this work at night -

Dinner after 7 o'clock

If you want to lose weight then do not have dinner after 7 pm. This is because there must be a gap of at least 2 hours between dinner and sleep. Let us tell you that by eating food late at night, the food does not get digested properly and obesity starts increasing. Therefore, to lose weight, leave this habit of yours today.

Drink hot water -

If you want to lose weight, then drink green tea or hot water after dinner. By doing this, the food is easily digested. Whereas green tea helps in reducing body fat. Gets help.

Get good sleep-

There is a very deep relationship between our sleep and obesity. If you want to lose weight then you should have a good sleep every night. By doing this your metabolism will slow down. Due to this, the weight will not increase.

Drink turmeric milk-

Drinking turmeric milk is very beneficial for reducing weight. This is because it has thermogenic properties which help in reducing fat.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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