How many steps should I take: Regular walking is good for health in every sense. It has also been proved in many researches that by walking daily, the risk of diseases like heart disease, BP, and diabetes reduces a lot. However, many things are said about how much a person should walk. In some studies, 10,000 steps per day are considered the most perfect, but it is important to know that according to age, how many steps are necessary to walk daily? Even more important is how many steps are needed to walk daily to lose weight or how many steps should be taken daily according to age to reduce belly fat. To know all these things, it is necessary to understand the given information.

Benefits of walking daily

Let us first know what are the benefits of walking. According to the American Council on Exercise, people who walk at least 2500 steps a day have many times the benefit of those who do not walk. However, it was found in the study that if an adult walks 10,000 steps daily, then the risk of heart disease and stroke decreases. Apart from this, the risk of some cancers like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, depression, breast colon, etc. is greatly reduced.

The younger the age, the more Walk

According to the news of Healthline, in an earlier study, it was claimed that a person above 18 years of age has to walk 4 thousand to 18 thousand steps daily. But a 2011 study said that children walk more than 10,000 steps in childhood and it would be beneficial for them to walk 10,000 to 16,000 steps daily. However, after the age of 18, it can be reduced gradually. After this, as the age increases, there will be a decrease in the step. That is, the lower the age, he will need to walk more steps than the person older than him.

However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with age, occupation is also responsible for changes in daily steps. At the same time, women also need to walk less daily than men. According to the CDC, a child of 12 to 19 years should walk at least 12 thousand to 16 thousand steps daily. On the other hand, girls of this age should walk 10,000 to 12,000 steps daily.

10,000 steps are not enough to lose weight,

however, researchers at Kalmar University, Sweden, based on a study conducted on 3,127 people, have found that 10,000 steps are not enough to lose weight. It has been told in the earlier study that if the child needs to walk more. According to the study, girls aged 6 to 12 need to walk 12,000 steps a day while boys of the same age need 15,000 steps a day. But if the weight has increased and walking is to be done to reduce it, then people of different ages will have to walk different steps.

To lose weight, you have to walk so much according to your age

According to research for women aged 18 to 40,

if women aged 18 to 40 have to control their weight, then they will need to walk 12,000 steps daily.

Women of 40 to 50 years:

Women of 40 to 50 years of age will have to walk 11,000 steps daily, only then there will be weight control.

Women of 50 to 60 years old women

of 50 to 60 years old have to walk 10 thousand steps daily.

Women over 60:

Women over 60 will need to walk 8,000 steps every day to lose weight.

Men between the ages of 18 and 50

will need to walk 12,000 steps daily to lose weight, while men above 50 years will need to walk 11,000 steps every day.

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