Just as we need warm clothes to avoid cold during the winter season. In the same summer, we need fan-coolers to avoid burning heat, but for the last few years, it has been getting so hot that now the cooler is also seen. That's why people use AC. Running AC provides coolness, but we cannot ignore that with the increase in summer, the incidents of fire and blasts in AC are also coming out. There can be many reasons behind the blast in the AC, including things ranging from short circuits to poor maintenance, but if there is any problem in the AC, it already indicates which you should not ignore. So let's know what are these signs. You can learn about this in the next slides ...

These are the signs that should not be ignored:-
Number 1

If you feel that your AC is not cooling equally or it cools and never, then it may be that there is a problem in any part of the AC or it has deteriorated. This puts pressure on the compressor and the possibility of fire in AC can increase considerably. So show it to the mechanic.

Number 2
If different types of sounds are coming into your AC or the voice has changed compared to before, then there may be a problem with the AC. Instead of ignoring this voice, show the mechanic to know the reason for this.

Number 3
AC has many types of modes, such as fan mode, cool mode dry mode, etc. If these modes are not working properly or the work has stopped completely, then the sensor given in AC can be spoiled. In such a situation, call the mechanic without delay so that they can fix it and avoid any major problem with the AC.

Number 4
If the body of your AC is getting very hot or is more heat than before, then it means that the hot air coming out of the AC is not coming out. Do not ignore this fact because it can cause AC fire. Therefore it can be a better option to show it to the mechanic.

(PC: Istock)