Dengue Fever Causes Symptoms and Home Remedies: The rainy season is going on at its peak across the country. This is also the time for insects like mosquitoes and flies to flourish, due to which dangerous diseases like dengue and malaria also occur. Among these, dengue is considered to be the most dangerous fever, which can lead to the death of a patient. Many times clear symptoms are not visible in dengue and the patient's blood platelets go on decreasing. 1 percent of patients suffering from this fever die. This figure looks small but it is huge for India, where lakhs of people fall prey to this fever every year. Today we will tell you in detail about the causes, symptoms and home remedies for dengue fever.

What are the causes of dengue?

First of all, let us know what is dengue fever. According to health experts, dengue fever is caused by the dangerous dengue virus (DENV) entering the body. Mosquitoes of the species named Aedes Aegypti spread this virus. This mosquito breeds in stagnant clean water and usually bites during the day. The size of this mosquito is bigger than other mosquitoes. When this mosquito bites, it allows the dengue virus to enter the human body through its sting. Due to this the person becomes afflicted with dengue fever.

Dengue Fever Symptoms

Weakness and dizziness

Muscle and joint pain

Extreme bone pain and fatigue

Severe eye pain

Nauseous feeling

Fever above 102 degrees

Body rash and headache

Home Remedies for Dengue Fever

To avoid dengue, do not let water collect inside and outside the house. Keep cleaning the water stored in the water tank pots regularly. Where it is not possible to clean the water, sprinkle kerosene oil there. Consume oranges and sour things regularly. Eat leafy vegetables like fenugreek. Include berries, guava, and pomegranate in your diet. To increase immunity, start drinking turmeric milk. Eat things that increase immunity.

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