Causes of Frequent Urination At Night: Many times you sleep peacefully the whole night and your sleep is not interrupted due to urination. Whereas many times it happens that due to pressure to urinate, you have to get up again and again at night. There can be many signs of frequent urination at night. In some people, it can be a sign of many problems including blood pressure, diabetes, bladder problems. However, sometimes its reasons are quite common and there is no reason to panic. The condition of frequent urination at night is called Nocturia. Generally this condition occurs in people above 50 years of age. However, younger people may also get troubled by this.

According to the report of Cleveland Clinic, there can be many reasons for waking up repeatedly at night to urinate. The first major reason could be taking too much water or fluid before sleeping at night. If you drink a lot of water from evening till night, its effect can be seen at night and you may have to get up again and again to urinate. Another reason could be sleep disorder. If you do not sleep at night or wake up repeatedly, it may cause the problem of frequent urination. If this is happening to you, do not be careless and consult a doctor.

The third major reason for frequent toilet visits at night can be some medicines or bladder problems. There are many such medicines, after taking which the production of urine increases and you have to go to urinate again and again. Frequent urination can also be seen if there is any kind of problem in the bladder. Apart from this, many times people have a habit of waking up repeatedly at night and going to the toilet. Due to this also one may have to go to urinate frequently.

Usually this happens with people above 50 years of age, but this type of problem can be seen in youth also. Today's hectic life and spoiled lifestyle is becoming dangerous for health. The problem of frequent urination at night should not be ignored for a long time and a checkup should be done by visiting a doctor. Frequent urination at night can also be a sign of some serious disease.

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