Lifestyle has a direct impact on health. To stay healthy, all things like a good diet, exercise, sleeping on time, and eating on time are important. According to Ayurveda, it is very important to keep many things related to lifestyle right to stay healthy. From eating to sleeping time, there is a direct impact on your health. Lifestyle is responsible for everything including digestive power, weight, heart health, blood pressure, blood sugar, body energy, and brain health. If the lifestyle is balanced then many diseases either do not occur or remain under control. So let's know according to Ayurveda experts about those lifestyle habits which are important for your health.

Avoid these habits to stay healthy:
Eating without appetite

Hunger is a sign that your previous meal has been digested well. When you eat without hunger, you are putting an excessive burden on your liver. The best rule that you have to follow is to eat only when you are hungry. Avoiding eating when hungry and eating without appetite can upset your gut and reduce metabolism.

Sleep after midnight
The best time to sleep is till 10 pm. Pitta prime time is from 10 pm to 2 am which means your metabolism is at its peak. If you stop eating at 7-7:30 and go to bed early, it ignites your digestive fire to digest everything you have eaten throughout the day and facilitates liver detox, which helps you lose weight, Helps maintain your sugar level, energy, and most importantly.

Also, enhances your body's ability to absorb nutrition from the food you eat. Sleeping after midnight spoils the quality of your sleep and also disturbs your circadian rhythm which leads to mental problems, vitamin deficiency, poor gut health, etc.

Eat late
It is best to have dinner before sunset or within 1 hour after sunset or maximum by 8 pm. Having a late dinner after 9 pm can affect your metabolism, liver detox, and even your sleep. This can lead to diabetes, cholesterol, obesity, and heart issues over time.

Multi-tasking leads to excess cortisol (stress hormone) in the body which makes you more vulnerable to auto-immune and lifestyle disorders. Doing one thing at a time improves your efficiency, reduces stress, and leaves you feeling more satisfied and peaceful at the end of the day.

Exercising beyond your capacity can lead to exhaustion, bleeding disorders, dysentery, cough, fever, excessive thirst and even vomiting. Maximum exercise can be done up to half of your strength in cold weather. It is shown by sweating on the forehead, palms, and thighs. If we exercise beyond our body's capacity without taking a nutritious diet, it can lead to severe vata aggravation, tissue damage, and impaired Agni. If you remove all these habits from your lifestyle then definitely your health will be fine.