Health Tips: Salt works to increase the taste of food. No dish tastes good without it, but sometimes excessive consumption of salt can also be harmful to health. In today's article, we are going to tell you how to detect excess salt in the body of children. When there is an excess of salt in the child's body, then some of its symptoms are already visible.

There is no harm in consuming salt in moderation. But when there is an excess of it in the body, then many types of diseases become its victims. In such a situation, our children should inculcate the habit of eating less salt since childhood. Due to this, their health will also be fine and the habit will also remain good for the future. Let us know what are the symptoms of increasing the amount of salt in the body of children. And how much salt should they consume?

Symptoms of salt overload
Change in colour of urine Health Tips

When your child is passing urine frequently, it could be a sign of a problem. Also, if the colour of his urine is turning dark yellow and it also smells bad, then be careful. Because this is an indication of excess salt in his body. In such a situation the child may fall ill. That's why get the child's urine test done immediately and contact the doctor if there is a problem.

Frequent thirst
By the way, drinking water is one of the good habits. But drinking excessive water is also harmful to health. Children who eat too much salt also feel very thirsty. The body needs to maintain the right balance between sodium and water, and sodium works to retain water. This is the reason why one feels thirsty for a lot of water.

Hand Swelling Health Tips
Please tell them that when your child eats too much salt, then his body starts keeping more sodium, due to which the amount of fluid in the body increases. In such a situation, there is a problem of swelling and puffiness in the hands and feet. Apart from this, eating more salt also leads to the problem of high BP. Which causes heart disease. In such a situation, children should be inculcated the habit of eating less salt.

How much salt to eat
Salt should be consumed in limited quantities. This keeps the health good. Children especially should eat less salt. Due to this, they develop properly. Please tell that children from one to 3 years should not consume more than 2 grams of salt in a day. A child of 4 to 6 years should consume 3 grams and a child of 7 to 10 years should consume 5 grams of salt. Eating more salt than this can be harmful to health.