Whether you start your day with cycling or some simple exercise, you need enough energy and the source of this energy is nutritious and easily digestible food.

Most of the things running at high speed in the world today are fuel-driven. But the fuel used for the body does not have an immediate effect like the petrol put in vehicles. The body has its process of excreting fuel because the body is a complex machine, which does not convert food into energy as soon as it enters it. The machinery inside us is such that it extracts glucose from the micronutrients in the food and starts using it. Our body prefers to use carbohydrates for energy.

All micronutrients are sources of energy and fat contains the most energy, but fat and protein take a lot of time to break down, so the body prefers carbohydrates and potassium. Simple carbohydrates like refined sugar are processed very quickly. They increase energy immediately and then decrease. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates like brown rice break down slowly, resulting in gradual energy release.

Such food is often considered boring and tasteless, which acts as fuel for the body. Now to get energy, we have to find taste in food. If nutrition is added to food, it doesn't need to taste very delicious. Therefore, we will have to make some compromises and of course, this compromise will be taste. Now let's know about some such foods, which fill you with energy along with taste.

Asparagus is very beneficial

In our country, asparagus is eaten as a vegetable. It is a vine or bush-like herb, which is also known as an Ayurvedic medicine. Elements like folate, fiber, chromium, and vitamins A, C, and E are found in it. It is a storehouse of antioxidants, which can neutralize free radicals that damage the body's cells. Asparagus is widely available in the spring season. It is rich in nutrients, so do not try to make it with Indian spices. By doing this, its natural properties can be destroyed.

Mushroom vegetable

Who would not like mushroom vegetables? This vegetable enhances the taste of the mouth and also gives many health benefits because it contains many essential nutrients like potassium, copper, iron, and fiber. By eating one cup of mushrooms a day, the body gets 50 percent iron. This iron gives instant energy to the body. At the same time, the consumption of mushrooms is also very beneficial for those who have high blood pressure and diabetes. But it is necessary to clean it thoroughly so that all its dirt is removed and it does not harm your health in any way.

Oatmeal gives complete health

It is one of the healthy and light foods. It contains abundant fiber and antioxidants. Oatmeal eaten at breakfast in the morning keeps you fresh and energetic throughout the day. It contains healthy carbohydrates with fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, thiamine, biotin, zinc, and iron. Mushrooms are beneficial in improving the digestive system. Its consumption helps you to stay healthy overall.

Citrus fruits remove fatigue
Consuming more citrus fruits rich in vitamin C helps increase the immune system and energy level. These fruits remove toxins from the body and increase immune power. Therefore, to remove the fatigue of the whole day, definitely drink a glass of fresh orange or lemon juice. Citrus fruits, such as lemon, orange, and sweet lime, are full of nutrients along with vitamin C and benefit you. One of these is strawberry. According to the 'Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry', antioxidants like vitamin C, folate, and phenol are found in them, which provide instant energy to the body.

Green leafy vegetables provide oxygen
Whenever you feel more tired, understand that there is a lack of iron in the body. Green leafy vegetables are essential for iron and hemoglobin. They provide oxygen to the body. Include green leafy vegetables in your diet to increase the amount of iron. Vegetables like spinach increase red blood cells, while bananas contain large amounts of potassium, which gives strength to the body and prevents muscle pain, swelling, and cramps. At the same time, sweet potato is the best food for those who exercise. It contains fewer calories and more carbohydrates and fiber, so sweet potato helps burn fat, control appetite, and improve the digestive system.

Nuts strengthen muscles
Nuts like almonds, cashews, and walnuts contain plenty of protein and healthy fats. Their consumption is necessary to bring strength to weak muscles. Cashews and almonds are full of protein, fat, and fiber. The best thing is that These can be eaten anytime.

Strength to bones from milk

Milk contains whey protein and casein protein, which give strength to your body. Whey protein found in milk is especially for digestive power. At the same time, calcium is found in milk and its products apart from protein, which gives strength to the bones. Daily consumption of milk, curd, buttermilk cheese, etc. also proves beneficial.

A mixture of jaggery and gram

Both of these are full of antioxidants, and minerals like zinc and selenium. Apart from giving strength to the body, this powerful mixture also helps in preventing free-radical damage, increasing immunity against infection, and increasing hemoglobin in the blood. This mixture keeps digestion better and strengthens the bones. Gram is a good source of protein, which is necessary for strengthening muscles.

If you are tired then...

Shalini Srivastava, Senior Dietician, KGMU, Lucknow, says, it is very important to consume energy-giving foods to the body, as they provide our body with the necessary nutrition and energy, which is required to perform daily tasks and maintain normal physical functions. These provide energy to our muscles and organs. Our brain also depends on energy.

Lack of energy can affect the ability to concentrate and make decisions. Energy-giving foods provide the body with essential nutrients, which help in increasing immunity and maintaining overall health. Eating the proper amount of energy-giving foods helps keep the metabolism balanced, making it easier to control weight. Lack of energy in the body makes a person feel tired and weak, due to which he faces difficulties in completing daily tasks. Therefore, a balanced intake of energy-giving foods is very important.