Vegetables Rich In Iron: Iron is very important for the body. Due to a deficiency of iron in the body, many types of problems start happening. Here we will tell you which vegetables you should include in the diet.

Top Iron-Rich Vegetables: Iron is very important for the body. Due to a deficiency of iron in the body, many types of problems start happening. At the same time, due to the lack of iron in the body, the amount of blood also decreases. Because of this problems like weakness, dizziness and loss of appetite can also occur. At the same time, many people take medicines to remove the iron deficiency. But the use of medicines should be avoided. In such a situation, you should include such vegetables in your diet so that iron deficiency in the body can be removed. Let us tell you here which vegetables you should include in the diet.

Broccoli -

Broccoli is very beneficial for the body. Calcium, iron and vitamin C, etc. are found in plenty in it. Including broccoli in the diet strengthens the digestive system and removes the problem of weakness. At the same time, diabetic patients can also eat broccoli easily. For this, broccoli can be eaten in vegetables, soup or salad, etc.


Spinach is very healthy for the body. Protein, sodium, potassium, etc. are found in plenty in it. Including iron in the diet reduces the risk of heart attack and also helps in weight loss. Spinach helps in keeping the body healthy.

Green Peas -

Green peas are available in large quantities in the markets in winter, green peas are very beneficial for the body. Iron, sodium, fiber, vitamin C, etc. are found in plenty in it. By eating peas, along with the completion of iron deficiency in the body, immunity is also strengthened.

Beetroot -

Beetroot is very beneficial for the body. A lot of iron, sodium, calcium, etc. are found in it. Therefore, along with keeping the skin healthy by eating beetroot daily, the amount of blood in the body also increases.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)