Weight Loss Tips: Obesity has become a big problem not only in India but for people all over the world, if it is not controlled in time, then high BP, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure, coronary artery disease, and triple vessel There will be a danger of diseases like diseases. You must have resorted to heavy exercise and a strict diet to lose weight, but if despite all the efforts, the belly and waist fat is not reducing, then after waking up in the morning, drink some special drinks on an empty stomach.

Weight lose morning drinks

If you want to reduce your weight without going to the gym, then wake up every morning and make a habit of drinking warm water. It attacks belly fat tremendously. With this, you will see the difference in a month. Let us know what to mix in it.

1. Ajwain water

Ajwain is no less than any Ayurvedic medicine, with its help, it becomes easy to lose weight and improve digestion. You put a small spoon of celery in a glass of water at night, then after waking up in the morning, heat its water and drink it after filtering it well.

2. Fenugreek water

Put fenugreek seeds in a glass of water at night and leave it to soak overnight. After waking up in the morning, make this water lukewarm and filter it with the help of a strainer and drink it. If you consume it regularly, then the fat in the stomach and waist will start melting slowly.

3. Bay leaf water

After waking up from sleep in the morning, boil a glass of water and then put one or two leaves of medium size in it. Now keep heating it for about 3 to 4 minutes. Now turn off the gas and wait for the water to become lukewarm. Finally, filter it and drink it. This will not only reduce the increasing weight but also remove many stomach problems.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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