High Cholesterol: When cholesterol increases, problems start increasing in your body. If bad cholesterol increases in your body, then the risk of heart attack also increases. In such a situation, to deal with this danger, you have to include a lot of things in your diet, otherwise, there may be problems later. As everyone knows that there are two types of cholesterol in the body. First good and second bad. If bad cholesterol increases in the body then there are complaints ranging from heart attack to high BP. Come, we will tell you here from which things you should make a distance immediately.

Cholesterol patients should not eat these things-

Say no to meat

Such people who consume a lot of meat will have to keep their distance from it, otherwise, your problems may increase. Please tell us that the amount of bad cholesterol starts increasing due to the consumption of meat. In such a situation, when bad cholesterol increases in the body, then the possibility of heart attack increases.

Keep your distance from chicken

If your cholesterol is high then you should not eat chicken. Consuming it in excess can cause diseases to your health. In such a situation, tell the chicken lovers to keep their distance from it, otherwise, the problem may increase later.

Dairy products

Dairy products are also not good for your health. You must have seen that some people become dependent on dairy products. The most fattening things in this are milk and cheese. Avoid consuming it excessively. Otherwise, your problem may increase.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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