By Santosh Jangid- Friends, as soon as October started, the weather has started changing, morning and evening are cold, then during the day it feels hot and at night you sleep with a fan on and a blanket on, then it is time for you to pay attention to your health. Because diseases often increase in the cold months. Follow these tips to avoid diseases in this season-

1. Eat healthy

Extra nutrients are needed to strengthen your immune system during the cold months. Include a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, pulses and protein-rich foods in your diet.

2. Stay hydrated with warm water

During winter, we often forget to drink enough water. It is very important to stay hydrated. Aim to drink lukewarm water throughout the day; It not only helps keep your body warm from the inside but also boosts metabolism.

3. Prioritise sleep

Proper rest is a must during the winter months. Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of good sleep every night. Adequate rest strengthens your immune system and prepares your body to fight illnesses.

4. Wear proper clothes

Wearing the right clothes is a must during the cold season. Make sure you stay warm enough, especially when cold winds are blowing.

5. Stay active

It is important to keep your body active during winters. Doing light exercises like yoga, walking or stretching regularly also boosts your immunity, keeping you healthy during the cold months.