Snoring has become a cause of concern for many people in today's time. When the sound of snoring falls in the ears, many people get disturbed in their sleep. Snoring occurs when a person starts making strange sounds from the nose while breathing while sleeping. These sounds are the sounds of obstructions that occur during breathing. But do you know that snoring is also harmful to your health? There is a possibility of high cholesterol as well as heart-related diseases in people taking it. In such a situation, many people use strange gadgets or masks available in the market to remove snoring, which can create an uncomfortable situation for you. In such a situation, you can take the help of yoga and pranayama mentioned here, which will smooth breathing and remove the problem of snoring.

Bhramari Pranayama
Bhramari Pranayama helps you to release the tension in the mind. This detoxes your mind, but its biggest benefit is in reducing blood pressure. Along with this, it also corrects blood circulation. In this way, Bhramari Pranayama reduces many causes of snoring such as bad press, blood, circulation, obesity etc. which helps in stopping your snoring. To do this pranayama, sit in a quiet place and close your eyes. Place your index fingers on your ears. After this, take a breath in and while exhaling, press the cartilage with your fingers. After this, breathe again and again and leave, repeat this pattern about 6 to 7 times.

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
Bhujangasana is the best yoga asana to get rid of the problem of snoring. While doing this asana, the person's chest opens completely. In this posture, our lungs become clear and the air passage also becomes clean and free, which reduces the possibility of snoring. Along with this, by doing this yoga, oxygen and blood flow in the body are also regulated, due to which your breathing and other functions of the body also start working better.

Kapal Bhati Pranayama
The practice of Kapal Bhati Pranayama helps in cleaning the sinuses of the skull. Its practice also helps us to get deep sleep. To do this, sit comfortably, keeping your spine straight. Keep your hands on your knees, comfortably towards the sky. Take a long deep breath in. While exhaling, pull your stomach inward. Pull your stomach in such a way that it touches the spine. Do as much as you can. You can feel the contraction of the abdominal muscles by placing your hand on your stomach. Pull the navel inwards. As soon as you relax the abdominal muscles, the breath automatically reaches your lungs. Take 20 exhalations to complete one round of Kapalbhati Pranayama. After a round is over, relax and close your eyes. Feel the excitement arising from Pranayama in your body. Complete two more rounds of Kapalbhati Pranayama.