PC: tv9hindi

Maintaining balanced hormones is important for overall health. Hormonal imbalance can cause many health problems, from fatigue to mood swings. Often, women ignore minor health problems by attributing them to stress or lifestyle factors. However, these symptoms may be a sign of hormonal imbalance. While hormonal imbalance is commonly associated with menstruation, menopause, and the early stages of pregnancy, today's chaotic lifestyle has made it more prevalent. It is important to pay attention to physical changes and consider making adjustments to your daily routine and diet to maintain hormonal balance.

Recognizing the symptoms of hormonal imbalance

In women, hormonal imbalance may manifest as irregular menstrual cycles, sudden weight fluctuations, lower back pain, skin problems, hair loss, weakness, fatigue, constipation, sleep disturbances, and other symptoms. Is. These imbalances occur when the endocrine system, which is responsible for hormone production and distribution throughout the body, is disrupted.

Factors That May Contribute to Hormonal Imbalance

Wrong eating habits are a major cause of hormonal imbalance. Consuming excessive sugary foods, processed flour products, refined oils, processed foods, alcohol, and smoking can disrupt hormone levels. Unhealthy daily routines can also contribute to these problems.

Steroid medications

People suffering from various diseases who continuously take steroids or other medications may experience hormonal imbalance as a side effect. In such cases, it is important to consult a doctor.

Extreme stress

Stress is another factor that can cause hormonal imbalance in women. Managing stress is important to maintain hormonal balance. Increased stress levels trigger the production of cortisol, a stress hormone, which can result in sleep disruption, fatigue, and other problems.