As our age increases, many types of health problems surround us. Bone density starts decreasing with increasing age. At the same time, the immune system also starts becoming weak. Not only this, there is a deficiency of many nutrients in the body and you always feel tired. In such a situation, you must pay special attention to yourself and your diet.

After the age of 50, it becomes very important to include porridge in the diet. This can provide many benefits to your health. So today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you how eating porridge after the age of 50 can prove beneficial for you-

Get energy

It is seen that with increasing age the energy level of women's bodies reduces significantly. They feel more tired and are not able to be as active as usual.

In such a situation, eating porridge can be a very good option for you. The carbs present in porridge keep giving you continuous energy. Especially, if your work is such that you need energy throughout the day, then eating porridge is very good.

Easy to digest

Eating porridge after the age of 50 is also considered good because it is very easy to digest. As we age, our digestive system does not function as well.

Therefore, at this age, it is advisable to eat foods that can be easily digested. In this respect, eating porridge is a good option. Especially, if you have digestive problems then porridge will be beneficial for you.

Helpful in gaining muscle mass

It is seen that as people age, their muscle mass gradually starts decreasing. Especially, this problem starts increasing rapidly after the age of 50. When muscle mass decreases, your skin starts sagging.

Besides, the strength of your body also reduces. But porridge contains adequate amounts of protein and vitamins, which helps to a great extent in maintaining muscle mass.

Beneficial for bone health

Dalia is also considered very good for bone health. It is seen that with increasing age the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures increases significantly. In such a situation, if porridge is consumed then you can reduce its risk to a great extent.

Minerals like phosphorus and magnesium are found in oatmeal, which helps make your bones healthy and strong.

The risk of breast cancer is reduced

It has been observed that women who make porridge a part of their regular diet are relatively less likely to develop breast cancer. Some studies have also revealed that eating porridge is a good idea to reduce the risk of colon and breast cancer.

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